Digital transformation: how does it affect the HR function?

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Digital transformation has become an essential part of every company department. It now represents a double challenge for the HR team: they must help to digitalize all the company’s other departments and succeed in digitalizing their own. Whether in terms of assignments or work habits, digital transformation has many impacts on human resources. Here are some explanations.

The role of HR in the company’s digital transformation

Digital transformation mission #1: to support the evolution of professions

The HR department has a decisive role to play in digital development and transformation within the company. Moreover, digital technology is changing professions and employees must adapt to acquire the newly required skills and know-how. Data collection and analysis, legal skills (in particular compliance with the GDPR), new digital tools, strategic functions… are all skills that need to be developed. In order to support employees on this path, HR can, for example, set up training courses focused on the digital transition and the evolution of professions.

Digital transformation mission #2: to raise awareness and provide training on the new risks associated with digital technology

In collaboration with managers, HR must make employees aware of the new risks generated by digital technology (musculoskeletal disorders, vision problems, addictions, burn-out, bore-out, etc.). In order to implement an effective prevention campaign, it is essential to train employees on these possible risks and to share the information throughout the company. The objective of HR is to improve the Quality of Life and Working Conditions, i.e., the group of measures that make it possible to reconcile improved working conditions and performance. The idea is to move away from “fashionable” actions such as setting up yoga classes or installing table football or other perks, to refocus the debate on work-related issues: professional development, health at work, skills development, etc.

Digital transformation mission #3: facilitate organizational change

If they want to promote digital transformation, companies need to be more agile. This agility translates, for example, into greater fluidity between each role or between each department. Because of their position, HR can accompany and lead the company’s organizational evolution. A digital company is better able to meet the requirements of the 21st century and to organize itself coherently in line with the times, by overcoming the existing barriers and compartmentalized mindset. Cross-functionality also promotes collective intelligence and team cohesion. Accelerated by digitalization, this decompartmentalization corresponds to the new behaviors and expectations of young employees: Gen Y and Gen Z no longer want the traditional entrepreneurial hierarchy. It is therefore in the HR department’s best interests to facilitate organizational change to encourage a cross-functional approach.

Digital transformation mission #4: orchestrate a change in working methods

All companies are witnessing it: work patterns are evolving and adapting to changes in society and to new technologies. This is especially true in the wake of the health crisis, with more employees now requesting teleworking. Teleworking and mobile work are becoming increasingly prevalent within companies. Digital transformation is enabling this shift by providing employees with all the digital tools they need to work and be productive from home. The HR department can draw on its skills and position in order to coordinate the company and its employees in their evolving work arrangements.

Digital transformation mission #5: encourage flexibility and collaboration

The digital tools available offer new opportunities for HR departments and employees to develop connections and collaborations within the company. Collaborative work can be developed by using tools and platforms to share information (instant messaging, shared calendar, collaborative project manager, etc.). These communication tools help to build cohesion, commitment, and loyalty among employees.
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The digital transformation of the HR profession

HR digital transformation #1: recruitment

The evolution of digital tools has revolutionized HR recruitment methods. Classified job ads in the press are gradually giving way to online job offers. Today, companies mostly recruit via online job boards such as HelloWork or Indeed or even social networks. LinkedIn, for instance, offers a wide range of recruitment solutions. It is fast, cheaper, more efficient, and better targeted. HR must therefore seize these new media for a recruitment 4.0, encompassing information technology, communications, and software!

HR digital transformation #2: training

Training has evolved with the development of digital technology. E-learning and MOOCs facilitate access to training and training methods. Autonomy and the sharing of experiences are emphasized, so that employees can choose the training that suits them, progress at their own pace, and exchange with other employees or professionals in the same field. For their part, HR can offer targeted, less expensive training and circulate information more easily.

HR digital transformation #3: employee experience and administrative management

Today, Quality of Life and Working Conditions and the employee experience are at the heart of the challenges facing modern companies. Digital tools help to improve the employee experience and meet employee expectations. The advantages are numerous: limiting administrative processes, being able to share information, exchanging in real time, etc. The HR function has a decisive role to play in the employee experience, since it centralizes procedures, facilitates administrative management, and offers digital solutions.

HR digital transformation #4: communication

In the space of a few years, HR communication tools have completely changed and the digital transformation has accentuated this phenomenon. To enhance the company’s image and reputation, HR can use the digital resources at their disposal, such as websites, customer reviews, and social networks. From this point of view, the digital evolution offers more proximity with customers and colleagues, providing increased transparency and enabling the company to develop a wider communication strategy.

Reconciling people and digital technologies: the challenge of the HR digital transformation

Faced with these new missions and issues, the challenge for HR is to reconcile people with new digital technologies. To do this, HR can offer digital tools to employees, develop innovative approaches, and participate in the reinvention of work habits through digital solutions. Contrary to popular belief, digital tools allow the HR department to refocus on its core task: people. Digitalization also allows companies to automate time-consuming and non-value-added tasks. This means that HR has more time to devote to its core, people-focused assignments by moving from an administrative role to a strategic role that drives change. Digital technology offers the HR profession the opportunity to reinvent itself by taking a leading role with employees. HR departments must therefore find their own model to effectively participate in the company’s outreach and productivity, while accompanying it in its digital transformation. Administrative management tools are essential to move from an administrative to a strategic role. The benefits are real: simplified processing of administrative tasks, reduced information loss, fewer errors, all HR needs covered, and time saved.   By choosing appropriate and efficient digital tools, HR can focus on its core people-focused role, leading the digital transformation of the company’s other functions and supporting employees in this process.   The Keeple leave management solution is easy to use and its interface will make your paid leave and absences management more time-efficient and transparent. Information and schedules are shared with teams and managers. Export to payroll software is automatic and KPI indicators are available to facilitate reporting. Want to know more? Contact us!

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